Thursday, January 25, 2007

Another New Start

Well, with a New Year upon us....January is almost gone !! I thought I should make more of an attempt at keeping my bloggy thingy up to date, something I have not been doing at all.

I am looking forward to a much better 2007 than the last several years have been. We will only have two kidlets at home, giving us two Uni Students. M at the ANU in Canberra and EL at the UNE in Armidale. EL moves up there on the 11th Feb to start Nursing. Not my choice for her, Nursing aint wot it used to be but it seems as though this is what she wants to do so who am I to prevent that?

O goes into Yr 10 and EA into Yr 9.

I have lots of plans to do things around here. O wants E's room when she goes to Uni, so I will have his room for all my crafty stuff. that way, the lounge room might look like a lounge room again and DH will be happy. I want to get rid of a lot of STUFF....all stuff that should have gone ages ago. I need to sort through the things from Mum and Dads I have hung onto and really decide what I NEED to keep. I want to rekindle my cross stitching at some point during the year and I want to SCRAP SCRAP SCRAP !!

I am hoping EA will join O in the school rowing team. She did not do sport last year so I am being a mean Mum and making her do something this year. She is also applying for a Job at the Golden Arches.

I would also like to keep up with my friends bloggy thingies and others as well. is to a NEW YEAR for us all, a new me for me and I hope, a much more organised, healthy and happier one.