Saturday, September 23, 2006

It seems ages since I have written anything in my blog but in reality, I suppose it isn't all that long......only 3 or 4 days.

Today is/ was the third anniversary of the death of my Mum. Her death came more of a shock to me than my Dads death, 6 months earlier. Mum seemed to be settling into the Nursing Home and we seemed to be finally starting to be OK again (she was not happy at all with the NH arrangements and with me being the one to visit most often, I guess I was sitting duck for her sadness and upset feelings, feelings of abandonment etc. I knew what it was all about but that judt didn't make it any easier to handle. I had to stay away for a while. It was all so terrible). The day has passed in a lot better way that I thought it would. I think that Mr. time is weaving his softening spell.

I have not rung my sister or my two brothers that bad???? I think we all are dealing with everything in our own ways.

Was a quiet day here in Couchville.

I slept in until 10.30 am, had a do nothing much sort of a day although there is tons to do !! helped DD2 a little bit with some sewing she was doing for a friends birthday party tonight. Rang DD1 to see if she would be home for tea and if so, what would she like (it was to be a birthday tea...) THEN had a phone call from my friend............the Fire brigade were available to burn off some dead logs and other timber at Jackadgery so went up there. DD1 chose not to come home tonight so will be home tomorrow (another weekend for study down the plug hole )......Gawd I hope this kid can cram in ecough in 2 weeks to get her the UAI she needs for Uni !

DS2 cooked 'sausage rolls, cubed everything and mashed potatoes for tea tonight. Cubed everything is frozen veges !!!

Not far off going to bed now. One glass of Boxed Red should see me sleeping soundly pretty soon.

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