Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Late Afternoon

I toddled off to see my Dr this arv. She sent me up to the mental Health Unit and I had a talk with a really nice bloke. I felt comfortable with him. Both he and the GP want me to see the Psych so I will make an appointment with him tomorrow. The GP said that if I have trouble getting in, to let her know and she will make the appointment for me. The MHU bloke said that by going there, there will be a 'safety net' set up for me. I have numbers to ring if I crash out of hours. I felt, well, safe.

I haven't been talking to DH about any of what or how I am feeling..........I will get around to that.

I am going to see if I can't get any scrapping done. I WANT to and I NEED just isn't happening, though.

1 comment:

CaroleW said...

This is the BEST news I've come home to! I am so glad you've found somewhere to feel, as you put it, 'safe'. Thank goodness someone listened and DID something for you.

Hugs hun, hope the scrapping mojo comes back for you, I think there are a lot of us in the same boat at the moment.
