Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Emilys Ambulance Ride......

Emily collapsed in a heap this afternoon while talking to her friend, T. She was pretty flaccid for a while after it but we got her inside and onto the lounge and I rang the Ambo's. Her BP was up a bit (145/100) but not a lot else to report. In hospital she has had blood done and a chest X-ray and they are keeoing her overnight in High Dependancy with 2nd hourly obs. I think they are hoping they might notice something overnight.

This is only the second time she has fainted when not in pain (her usual reaction to pain is to faint). I don't think the hospital know what is going on, I definitely don't.

She hadn't long asked DH if she could borrow the car to drive to Yamba. Don't think she'll be driving anywhere until we get to the bottom of all this. We'll know more (I hope) once the Dr she has been admitted under, has seen her in the morning.....

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