Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Slept badly last night Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket then properly awake from 5.15 to get organised so that I and a friend could Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket up to Armidale and bring Emily and Bianca home. Arrived back home around 3pm. Had a pretty good day. I had to get R. to drive for a little while as I began to get TOOPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket at the wheel. We stopped along the way at a fruit stall and bought the yummiest apples I have had in such a long, long time. Beats anything that a shop has to sell, believe me.....

We weren't long home and I had to take Emily up to Cas....conjunctivitis . We were there for nearly 2 hrs and was seen for no more than 60 seconds !! Came home with the drops to be taken for 24hrs after the infection has settled.....

Anyway, off to have tea and a good time with our friends.

See ya !!

Hope the Bunny hops in on Sunday.....

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