Friday, April 20, 2007

It's My Birthday !!

21 again.... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I have had a relaxing, sleepy day today. Think I am catching up on lots of lost sleep.

I want to tell you about a scrapping site I like to visit. Sonya has a great shop, forum, Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket a bunch of very friendly girls and a great DT. Pay them a visit, you won't regret it Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Week Later.....

....and the patient is back to her normal self.

Nothing was discovered and she has made a full recovery !!

Second week of the school holidays....... DD2 has gone north to visit a friend until Friday.

I hope to this week to get a few things done around my house.....lets see if it all comes off .......

I managed to get some scrapbooking done on Thursday and Friday and I am quite happy. One page 'needs' something else but I am not sure quite what to do....maybe a little bit of patterned paper...... mmmmmmmmm We shall see !!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Emilys Ambulance Ride......

Emily collapsed in a heap this afternoon while talking to her friend, T. She was pretty flaccid for a while after it but we got her inside and onto the lounge and I rang the Ambo's. Her BP was up a bit (145/100) but not a lot else to report. In hospital she has had blood done and a chest X-ray and they are keeoing her overnight in High Dependancy with 2nd hourly obs. I think they are hoping they might notice something overnight.

This is only the second time she has fainted when not in pain (her usual reaction to pain is to faint). I don't think the hospital know what is going on, I definitely don't.

She hadn't long asked DH if she could borrow the car to drive to Yamba. Don't think she'll be driving anywhere until we get to the bottom of all this. We'll know more (I hope) once the Dr she has been admitted under, has seen her in the morning.....

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Slept badly last night Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket then properly awake from 5.15 to get organised so that I and a friend could Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket up to Armidale and bring Emily and Bianca home. Arrived back home around 3pm. Had a pretty good day. I had to get R. to drive for a little while as I began to get TOOPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket at the wheel. We stopped along the way at a fruit stall and bought the yummiest apples I have had in such a long, long time. Beats anything that a shop has to sell, believe me.....

We weren't long home and I had to take Emily up to Cas....conjunctivitis . We were there for nearly 2 hrs and was seen for no more than 60 seconds !! Came home with the drops to be taken for 24hrs after the infection has settled.....

Anyway, off to have tea and a good time with our friends.

See ya !!

Hope the Bunny hops in on Sunday.....

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I Have Wonderful Kids!!

Tuesday and Wednesday saw the Combined High Schools Rowing Regatta and my two youngest kids were right in there !!

The regatta was my daughters first major one and my son's third CHS.

Oliver was the medalist for the family, winning Silver in the U17 Mens Quad and Bronze in the U17 mens Double. The weather was really against him in the single and Elizabeth in her race (U15 Womens Quad). She rowed down to the start line in fine weather and rowed home after the wind, rain and chop had picked up. It was really tough going for all the kids who raced in that session of bad weather, especially as they were rowing INTO the wind. There were times when it looked as though the kids were paddling and getting no-where. Added to that, one of the girls began coughing not long into the race and was unable to breathe properly...... Tis the way it goes and they had a good time, anyway....which, to me, is still the main thing.

We arrived home around 4-4.30 and Oliver slept on the lounge from then until about 7 this morning. I think he was tired.....

I am SO PROUD of my kids and the whole High School team. They rowed well in every event, congratulated team members of other teams whether winners or not.

WELL DONE KIDS !! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket